“There's nothing to be gained by second-guessing yourself. You can't remake the past. So look ahead… or risk being left behind.”
-Vala Mal Duran

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The ignorance and brattishness of some people

Have you ever gotten on the forums on Craigslist? I think I never will again. Why is it that I never realized how incredibly stupid some people can be on the subject of God? There are people who are absolutely certain that He doesn't exist and there are people who are absolutely certain that He does. I honestly don't really care if you have one opinion of the other, as long as you don't try to foist it into me. But that seems to be exactly what people are doing. Trying to foist. Every single comment that I read written by someone who did not believe in God was something to the effect of "Anyone who believes in God is ignorant and stupid" They used several different versions of said phrase, but it all added up to the same thing. Sadly enough, most of the comments written by people who do believe in God were like that, only the opposite, obviously. Why are people so immature about this subject? I tried to put in my two cents, but I doubt it meant anything. *shakes head* Why can't we all just accept each other and move on with our lives?

1 comment:

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