So, around a year ago, I got an x-ray taken of my chest, with the hope that we would be able to figure out what was making it hurt so badly. When the results came back normal, I was a little annoyed. I had really been hoping that the x-ray would tell me what was wrong. Finally, after feeling a bump on my sternum that I didn't think felt normal, I decided to look at the x-rays myself. Guess what. NOT NORMAL!
A few years ago (like 7 1/2) I tripped over a wall and landed hard on my chest. I didn't think anything of it at the time, but perhaps I should have. Apparently, I broke my sternum. Now it's healed incorrectly and will probably hurt a little for the rest of my life. The radiology technician told me that I should stretch my sternum a lot to keep it from hurting randomly.
Of course, I am now a little more than annoyed about the fact that I, who am not trained in radiology AT ALL, found something on my x-ray that the radiologist didn't. At first I was thinking that maybe they just over looked it and I was just looking for it specifically. But according to the medical assisting director here at school, they really should have found it. I'm just shaking my head at them. At least now I know that claiming pain isn't something anyone can call me crazy for. Which is kinda how I felt for so long. Especially after my x-ray "came back normal" from now on, I'm going to insist on looking at all of my x-rays.
1 comment:
Wow! That's awful the radiologist didn't catch that! I am so sorry to hear about this! You are one tough girl! I love you!!!
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