“There's nothing to be gained by second-guessing yourself. You can't remake the past. So look ahead… or risk being left behind.”
-Vala Mal Duran

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


My last day of my Wildland Firefighting class was tonight. We did our state certification. I was pretty nervous for the practical, as I am on most of my practicals. I was incredibly nervous for my EMT practical. But tonight wasn't too bad. I knew exactly what I needed to say on the three skills we had to pass off, and I deployed my fire shelter properly. I wasn't nervous about the deployment. I'd done that correctly the very first time I'm done it.
So I'm now a Certified Medical Assistant, EMT, and Wildland Firefighter. In order to get a job as a firefighter, I would have to do a little bit more certification and get a red card, but I am technically a firefighter. Which is a pretty awesome thing to be able to say. :D
I'm also, now, halfway through my second semester of school to become a Paramedic. I have another year before I can apply for Paramedic school, since that's how long it will take me to get all of my pre-requisites done. Mostly, it's taking that long because I'm also doing other fun things, like taking creative writing and editing classes. To hear more about my writing, go to jaerandall.blogspot.com. That's my writing blog. Jae Randall being my pen name. I'm hoping to publish my first book in ebook form over the summer, so look for that. Not sure what it will be called yet, because the working title is definitely not what I'm keeping.
Anyway, that's the fun update of my life. I'll try to write more, but my other blog is my priority. Hope to see you all over there!

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