“There's nothing to be gained by second-guessing yourself. You can't remake the past. So look ahead… or risk being left behind.”
-Vala Mal Duran

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Pain and Priesthood blessings

Today I went to my cousins farewell. Halfway through Sacrament meeting, my headache started getting worse and my stomach started hurting really badly. I stayed through Chane's talk, but had to leave right afterward. However, all that happened was that the pain in my stomach just got worse. So I stayed out in the foyer(ish) until the end of Sacrament meeting, then I went into the chapel to ask my dad if he could get someone to help him give me a blessing. I figured since both of my brothers were there, along with most of my uncles and my grandpa, it wouldn't take much to find someone. So my dad got Richard to join us and we went into an empty classroom. By this time my stomach hurt so badly that I could barely walk and I couldn't see because of the tears in my eyes. I don't cry for physical pain very easily, so that will tell you how bad it was.
So Richard and my Dad gave me a blessing. I have never had pain recede that quickly before. Almost as soon as my dad started the blessing the pain started to go away. By the time Dad was driving me home, I was exhausted, but fairly well pain-free. Interestingly enough, this also gave me a chance to learn something about myself. I mentioned how cool priesthood blessing were to my dad, and he told me that they had always worked on me. He said that sometimes when I was very little, too young to really know what was going on, I would be crying and nothing either of my parents could do could calm me down. But when Dad gave me a blessing I'd calm right down and go to sleep.
I look at all of the signs in my life that Heavenly Father loves me, and I wonder how people could not believe in him. I know that occasionally life stinks, but a lot of those times are times when Heavenly Father is trying to show you his love and how much you need to rely on him. This morning's pain was really bad, and I didn't like it at the time, but because of it, I was able to not only feel my Heavenly Father's love for me as he took the pain away, but my Dad's love for me as he showed his concern and gave me a blessing. I'm very grateful for times such as these.

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