“There's nothing to be gained by second-guessing yourself. You can't remake the past. So look ahead… or risk being left behind.”
-Vala Mal Duran

Friday, August 31, 2007

YAY for insurance

Today I got the "itemized statement of services rendered" for my gallbladder surgery in the mail. It had all of the "services rendered" and how much each one cost. This is one of those times in which we are infinitely grateful for medical insurance. All together my four hours I spent unconscious in the hospital cost a grand total of $15,869.06 and I didn't have to pay any of it. Hallelujah! I definitely don't have that much money. I don't think if you added all of the money I've ever gotten in my life it would equal that. Maybe, but I doubt it.

So I'm trying to figure out why in the world I can't get really cool bruises. My sister, Angela, is always showing me her cool looking bruises (most of them come from colorguard - it's a dangerous sport) and I can never return the favor. It's not fair. Even when I kicked a cinder-block a couple weeks back, all that happened was a very small noticeable bruise and a red mark. Although it still hurts when bumped and I think I actually chipped the medial malleolus (that's the big bony bump in the inside of your ankle). It's got a bump on it that my other one doesn't. And I still have a little red mark. Then, yesterday, a coworker accidentally dropped a board on my ankle (other ankle - on the back) and it really hurts, but it didn't bruise practically at all. I mean, if you look really closely you can see it, but that's boring. Grrr. I only hope someday I will have a really cool bruise that I can brag about. Until than I will just have to find my enjoyment looking at Angela's. That sounds really mean. Trust me, it's not. You can even ask her.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Back to work

I went to work for the first time today. It was awesome! I loved being there. My mom was expecting that I'd get tired really easily and need to have only a half day, but I could have stayed longer if they would have let me. I would have been perfectly fine with that. But Alejandro kicked me out right at five. I guess he wanted to go home. But I didn't. Oh well.

I went and saw "Evan Almighty" tonight. After "Bruce Almighty" I wasn't very excited for another Almighty movie, but Evan Almighty was actually pretty good. I enjoyed it, but I'm still not liking the fact that they portray God as black. I'm not racist or anything, but God isn't black. It's a fact. There ya go.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Prologue to Portals

I was very lazy today for the last time. I'm going back to work tomorrow morning. Yay. I did, however get out of the house. That felt good. I had my car today! I drove my dad to work this morning and then came home and made and ate breakfast. Then I was lazy until I got really sick of the house at which point I left and went shopping. Mostly window shopping as I don't have much money I can actually spend, but I did buy myself some lotion, sharpies that I've needed and a chocolate bar. Yay for chocolate. I like. :)

I've decided to be really weird and watch all ten seasons of Stargate SG-1 again before I leave on my mission in January. Odd goal, I know, but hey, Stargate ROCKS!!! (Or as Aubrey would say, Stargate rocks my socks off. And it's true.)

Lissa, I've come up with an easy and happy solution to the problem. Get a facebook. www.facebook.com - Then you can write on my wall and I can write on yours. Or you could just e-mail me, or continue to just comment on my blog. I don't have IM. My dad dislikes it. A LOT dislikes it. Yells at us every time it's put on the computer. So yeah.

This is the Prologue to Portals. Everyone let me know what you think. Please.

Hastifora 37, 790. The last known day of the planet Tealia.
The explosions were deafening. Every where around him there were people screaming and swimming to get to land so they could get off of the planet before the Vulmans destroyed it. Josh dove and swam down to his house as quickly as his legs could carry him. His wife Kristine and his infant girl, Jeneal, were counting on him, not to mention everyone in his neighborhood. Sometimes he hated being the leader of Gulswald, but at times like this he was grateful for his training and would lead this people to safety to the best of his ability. He reached his house, where everyone in Gulswald was swimming around impatiently, awaiting his instructions. He swam into his home, grabbed Jeneal and waited as Kristine grabbed the most important things in her life. He felt terrible that she had to leave her home behind, and vowed that he would find a place for them to live that would be safe from the Vulmans. With Kristine behind him he swam outside and headed for the surface, knowing that the Gulswald people would follow him.
Josh head broke through the surface of the water and he waited a few seconds as his gills closed. Then he climbed onto land and, with everyone trailing him, moved toward the ship that he had hidden in a spot he knew the Vulmans wouldn’t find. All around him he could hear the sounds of a war between the two species. They had been enemies for a millennia, and he now saw that the Vulmans were much more bitter against the Tealians than the Tealians were against them. Although the Vulmans couldn’t touch the water on this planet, there was enough land that many Vulmans had been able to come down to set the explosives. Even as they were doing so, Josh could feel the Vulman ship getting ready to fire as soon as the Vulmans on the planet had done their job. Josh forced the thoughts and feelings away and put his mind to the task of getting his people off the planet. Not only did they need to get away without being killed, they also had to find a new place to live soon. Not many planets would be compatible for a species that lived their lives under a very specific kind of water. Tealians could live above water for some of their lives, which is why they would be alright while trying to find a new home, but eventually they would all be in trouble if they couldn’t find somewhere.
They reached the ship and everyone started pilling in. Josh handed Jeneal to Kristine and told her to find a place while he made sure everyone made it onto the ship. Then he went back out and watched everyone get on.
Just as the last person had gotten on, and Josh was about to follow, he heard a scream closer than any of the screams had been yet. Silently, he crept over and looked out through the bush. Standing over a Tealian was a Vulman. The Tealian woman was now dead, but the Vulman leaned down and picked up a bundle out of her arms. Josh felt sick. He knew this woman. She had had a baby boy just about a week before Kristine had given birth to Jeneal. He knew that bundle was little Daniel. And now the Vulman was going to kill him. But to Josh’s surprise the Vulman looked up, and took off straight up toward his ship with Daniel still in his arms. Josh ducked back and went to his ship, confused, but knowing there was nothing he could do about it.

* ~ * ~ *

Though they were able to get away from the planet safely, the Gulswald people still needed a planet to live on. Josh felt out with his mind, trying to find an uninhabited water planet. After weeks of searching, he found one that could possibly work. It had a large land mass that was about five thousand saalines, but the rest of the world was water. It felt correct. They now had to send down a team to survey it to make sure.
As they approached the planet that could be their next home, Josh felt even more sure that this was a good place. The team they sent down reported that the water was compatible with their needs. They landed on the land mass and everyone piled out of the ship. Josh looked around.
“This planet will be known as Awkwa. We will be known as the Awkwans.”
With that decided, the Awkwan people got to work making their new habitable.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Follow up appointment

Wow, today I feel like I wasted three hours. I had my follow up appointment with my doctor, which, of course, meant it was in Ephraim. So I drove with my mom for and hour and fifteen minutes there and back and sat in the room for half an hour to have the doctor look at me for five minutes and then give me a lecture on woodshop safety. Like I didn't get enough of those from my woodshop teacher in high school. After three semesters of it, I think I've got the safety part of it down. Ahh! It was such a pointless trip. The best part of the whole thing was that I was able to give my nutrition teacher back the shirt I borrowed from her in May. Not that I actually saw her, I just left the shirt on her desk, and left a note.

I've decided that the most annoying part of having been out for a week is that since I couldn't use my car anyway, the family just used it when they needed it. I was okay with that, when I wasn't able to drive it. Problem is, I am able to drive now, but can I go anywhere? No, because my mom has my car. Didn't ask, just took. What if I had needed to go somewhere tonight? It's just a tad obnoxious. Luckily, I don't really NEED to go anywhere tonight, but I did WANT to go somewhere tonight. Anywhere but here. I'm getting very sick of this house. After a week and a half of not leaving it, I need to get out of here. Walking to the cemetery doesn't count, which is what I did earlier today.

Oh, by the way, Lissa, no I don't have myspace, but I do have facebook, which is the clean version. And Aubrey, my parents have no problems with me going to the singles ward, but it has to be the one in my stake and I would rather go to almost any ward but that one, so I'm back at home.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Finally some fresh air

Today wasn't the most exciting day in the history of the world (or my life), but I got out of the house. I went to church with my family, back in my home ward instead of the singles ward I've been going to for a while. My parents decided that they prefer me to go to their ward, but they're okay with me going to ward prayer with the other ward and all of the activities. Which is good, since it's the extent of my social life. That's sad isn't it? Oh well, such is life.

So I went to ward prayer and ended up talking for forty-five minutes afterwards about everything and nothing. It was fun to see Scott again. And Josh and Camille, but I'd seen them since I'd seen Scott. Scott told me that he and Josh had been meaning to get me Coldstone ice cream and bring it to me while I was incapacitated, but they never actually got around to it. I told them it was the thought that counted. And I didn't tell them, but they will learn if they read this, I don't actually like Coldstone ice cream, so I don't really care. At least they were thinking of me. YAY them.

For the record, hiccups are painful.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Lazy Day

Today I was lazy and watched Scrubs all day long and ended up with a headache. That always happens when I watch too much TV. I should really have that figured out by now. Luckily, I took a nap and it went away. Which was nice.

Dayne's funeral was today. I didn't go, but my parents did. He was cremated, because apparently the cancer had taken such a toll on his body there wasn't much left. The sad thing is, they think he died on Saturday, but they aren't sure, because no one found him until Tuesday. He apparently didn't have much contact with his family, due to the fact that he smoked and hated showers, and he had very few friends that visited him (for about the same reasons). I wish he had chosen to be with them more often, but he couldn't handle their 'rules' (such as don't smoke around us and please shower). That's hard to think about. And very, very sad.

Well, that's pretty much the extent of my day. It was boring. I'm going to read a book now.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Air in my abdomen

Well, today has been nice. Other than the persistent feeling of air in my abdominal cavity, where it is not technically supposed to be, giving me a very constant bloated feeling. But I was able to sleep last night, thanks to my father giving my a blessing. The Lord helps us through the times when we need him. I'm so grateful.

I spent most of today lying on my right side, which was the only way I could get comfortable, and watching Scrubs. It's a hilarious show. That's why I like it, and that's why I have to be very careful while watching it because, quite frankly, laughing hurts. but it gave me something to do whilst recovering. I'm in the process of downloading more episodes. I wish I had the money to just buy the seasons, it would be much more convenient, but I don't. I finally got my paycheck today, but my mom didn't put it in the credit union, and since I can't drive and she was at work all day, I'm just going to have to wait to have money until tomorrow. But it still won't be as much as I wish I had. But does anyone honestly have all the money they wish they had? I've never met anyone who would claim that. But then, most of the people I know are my age and are under the classification of "poor, starving, college student". Like me. And right now I really am starving. I'm going to go eat a cheese sandwich.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I went a little to far

Today I'm not feeling so great. I don't care what the doctor said, I don't think all of the CO2 the pumped into my abdomen has been absorbed by my body.I can't lie down, I can't stand up. Sitting is fairly okay, but leaning back is horrible as well. I'm just getting a little tired. But I don't know what to do about it.

Heather, Aubrey and I went to the bookstore today. It is a great little place and I can't wait to go back when I actually have real money to spend. I finally found a book I've been looking to buy for years (literally) and was able to get it. It's one of my favorite books, but they had discontinued it, which had made me mad. Oh well, I found it at long last and am in the middle of reading it.

By the way, Trina, of course I would post pictures of my gallbladder! This is me we're talking about. I seriously considered putting the video on here, hindered only by the fact that I have no idea how. But if I did, it would be here. But hey, thanks for the puzzles and coloring poster! Isn't it fun to just act like a little kid sometimes? Especially when you've just gone through I procedure that no one should have to go through until they are a grandparent. It was a cool experience, but I think that it just hit me today whilst watching Scrubs that I no longer have a gallbladder. I know, I said that two days ago. But then it was just an offhand fact that had nothing to do with me. Now I can feel that absence of it and it hit me oddly. It was good to take it out, and I'm relishing the fact that I haven't had any of the pain I've lived with for so long and the only pain I feel is the result of the surgery, but it's odd to think that I don't have an organ that I've lived with for so long. It's a small insignificant organ yes, but MY organ nonetheless. Sorry, it just struck me as odd.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Attempting to recover

*This blog is dedicated to Dayne, a family friend who died recently of cancer*

Today I'm actually more sore than I was yesterday, but my dad and I took a walk and that helped quite a bit. I'm not allowed to drive until next Monday, so I either have to walk or get a ride with someone if I want to go anywhere. The funny thing is, I don't feel dizzy, nauseated, tired, or anything else like unto it. All I feel is slight pain in the belly button region and where they removed my mole. And I'm itching like mad. But that usually means that it's healing so I'll take it as a good sign. :)

Heather and I are going book shopping tomorrow at a small quaint little bookshop in Provo tomorrow, after I get paid. I'm looking forward to it. Apparently you can get fairly inexpensive books and you can find almost anything. I can't wait. I need a new book that I haven't read yet. They're getting harder and harder to find.

By the way Heather, thanks for the plant. I'm not entirely sure where I'll put it once I'm no longer in the guest bedroom, but I guess it will me that much more incentive to actually get my room clean. I still haven't cleaned it thoroughly since moving home three weeks ago. :0 Oh well. I'll get around to it.

It is now time for bed. Good night world!

Monday, August 20, 2007

My Gallbladder is Gone!

Well, it's official. I no longer have a gallbladder. Or the obnoxious mole that was really big and sat just on the surface superficial to the gallbladder. The doctor didn't know about the mole before hand and had to ask my mom if it was alright if they took it off. She said yes, and when I found out, I was very happy. I'd meant to ask the doctor if he could take it off while he was right there anyway, but it slipped my mind. Before I was taken into surgery I was given basically flavorless Gatorade through an IV to rehydrate me. With all the sugar, I kind of went into a sugar high and was pretty hyper there for a little bit. It made my arm really cold though. I didn't mind, as they put a heated blanket over me. All in all, it was a very cool experience, and I will remember it for a long time, even if I wasn't able to get my gallbladder bronzed like Joe M suggested. Sadness. Oh well. Where would I put it even if I had? But, as you can see I did get some good pictures of it, and I also got a copy of the video. It doesn't have sound. But I already know what was going on, so I can put my own explanation to it.
I'm actually a little surprised at how good I feel. I'm not in pain almost at all, which is definitely nice. I am tired, which means that reading my books is proving slightly difficult as I keep falling asleep, but I'm doing it. Hopefully tomorrow will be easier.

Well, I'm going to go continue working my way through that stack. :)

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Goodbye to Jared

Today I went to my cousin, Jared's missionary farewell. Well, his "goodbye I'm leaving" talk, as we aren't supposed to call them farewells anymore. oh well. It was good. Jared did a good job on his talk. It was about faith. I enjoyed it immensely. Jared is entering the Missionary Training Center to go to the North Carolina, Raleigh mission. I'm excited for him. The funny thing is that if I leave when I hope to, I'll get back before him. Good times.

I have decided that my gallbladder is trying to give me as many problems as it can before it exits my abdomen forever. Right now there is quite a bit of pressure in there, and it hurts when I try to bend to much. So I'm not. Luckily, sitting at the computer isn't bothering it, so it's okay at the moment. :)

Well, That's all for today, I've got an early morning tomorrow. I'll let you all know how it goes!

Saturday, August 18, 2007


Last night I went to my friend, Liz's wedding reception. It was really cute. And it was really nice to see all of the people I hadn't seen since high school. I got to dance with a guy named Kevin. We danced cha cha and then the triple swing, but the music wasn't exactly the best for ballroom. Someday, in ten years or so, I'm going to have dancing at my wedding reception, but I'm making sure I can ballroom to it. Which, of course, means I need a guy who can dance.
The first to pictures are really out of order, but oh well. Liz and Corey cut their cake with a plastic, disposable knife because they couldn't find the actual knife they were supposed to use. They then got ready and literally shoved the cake in each others face. Liz got Corey better than he got her, but he remedied that by kissing her and getting cake from his face all over hers. It was cute in an odd sort of way. :)

The other pictures are the books and movies I'm planning to read and watch next week while I can't do anything else. Unfortunately, I may need to get more books, as I've already read two from that pile today and am thinking about reading another. I do have to clean the bathroom and my bedroom first though, so I might not get around to it. But I might go to the library later today anyway. Angela (my little sister) and I went on Friday, but she got many more books than I did and I'm not really interested in any of them. And I've already read two of the three that I got. Actually, I've already read the other as well, but it's been a while.

Well, I read another one, but I never got to the library. Maybe I'll have to borrow some books from my grandparents tomorrow. We'll see. If all else fails Heather, Aubrey, and I are planning to go book shopping the end of the week when I'm feeling up to it and actually have money. I'll get more books then. But I'll have to be careful or I will go overboard. :D

Friday, August 17, 2007

I'm here!

I have finally set up a blog. Be proud of me. I never thought I actually would. But here I am, finally moving forward in the great world of cyberspace, sadly enough, following after my sister's footsteps, who already has a facebook page. Oh well. I have a blog now. Go me.

I'm getting my gallbladder out on Monday. I get to drive an hour and a half to get to the hospital where it's happening. Well, no, I'm not driving, my mom is. They might shoot me if I didn't have someone to drive me afterwards. Oddly enough, I'm looking forward to it a lot. I can't figure out why other than I'll be rid of the pain. I'm hoping they'll film it and let me watch later on. I forgot to ask the doctor if I could. Well, who knows?

I just finished reading Message in a Bottle by Nicholas Sparks (thanks Heather, for letting me borrow it!). I'm not sure how I feel about it though. Why does it have to end that way? For those of you who haven't read it, I won't tell you how it ends, I suggest you find out for yourself. But I just don't understand. I read A Bend in the Road (same author) just before that, and it ended fairly happily. But I guess I have to remember that this is the same author who wrote A Walk to Remember and let Jamie die at the end. But he made it beautiful in that one. This one was just sad. :( Now I've given you a hint as to what happens at the end. Sorry.