“There's nothing to be gained by second-guessing yourself. You can't remake the past. So look ahead… or risk being left behind.”
-Vala Mal Duran

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The randomness that is my brain

So, update! I'm in Alaska, although everyone who read this already knew that, oh well. I'm very excited for work to start, even if I do wish that it could start on Monday instead of tomorrow so I wouldn't be scrambling like mad trying to figure out how to be able to go to church. Oh well. I have faith in myself and, even more critical, that something this important will be able to work out.
Last night I had a thoroughly random dream. In it someone was trying to get us to solve a math problem in order to win something. It was actually a very simple equation. 96x11x180. This was in inches. My question is, how in the world did my brain come up with those numbers? Do you realize that if you figure out exactly how many inches that is, it comes up to exactly 3 miles?How did my brain come up with three numbers when multiplied by each other and then divided by 63,360 come to an even number? What are the odds? I was expecting a decimal with a lot of numbers behind it. It was very weird.

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