“There's nothing to be gained by second-guessing yourself. You can't remake the past. So look ahead… or risk being left behind.”
-Vala Mal Duran

Friday, September 14, 2007

Random woody thoughts

As much as I am starting to loathe wood, I am at times pondering on the possibility of making my own dresser and bed when I return home from my mission. I think why I dislike my job sometimes is because I'm not doing anything I really want to do. I'm just making the same things over and over again, and it's getting tedious. Also the majority of the time, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing. I don't know what will be occupying my time for the rest of the day and that bothers me. Today I knew exactly what I was doing the entire day and really enjoyed work. It was completely mindless, boring work, but I liked it all the same. Maybe because I was working by myself, with no one looking over my shoulder, or maybe because when someone did finally come to work with me, he assumed I was in charge and let me give the orders and do the fun part. :) Actually, I just really like working with that guy. He and I have some sort of an understanding, which is funny, because I don't even know his name. That's kind of sad. But we both put our head phones into our ears with ear muffs over the top and how we communicate the majority of the time is by facial expressions or gestures. We don't talk unless we absolutely need to and it's pretty nice. I like it.

Anyway, I went to the outdoor movie night tonight. We watched Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, which is by far my favorite of those movies. But I have seen it so many times, that it was a little boring. Especially since I felt a little bad about quoting it, because the friend I was with hadn't seen it at all. Weird. Oh well.

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