“There's nothing to be gained by second-guessing yourself. You can't remake the past. So look ahead… or risk being left behind.”
-Vala Mal Duran

Friday, September 28, 2007

Stargate CRAZE!

Well, I attempted to do my duty as a Stargate fan today, and ended up failing miserably. AHHHH!!!! I'm a FAILURE!!!!! I don't know anyone with the SciFi channel that would let me commandeer their TV for even the very short hour that I needed it to watch this very important episode. As it stands now, I have to wait to watch it until I can download it on Sunday or Monday. That will, unfortunately, not help with the ratings, therefore, not help get another season. But I tried! I did all I could! Don't hate me all you Stargate fans if I messed it up forever. (Okay, I doubt I would have really made THAT much of a difference, but still.) I'm still going to try to watch the other episodes live if I possibly can. I must do my duty to the Stargate world so that we can have more Stargate world and we can continue to enjoy it immensely like we do.
I am also in the process of bringing another Stargate fan up to speed on the show. It could take a while as he's only really seen through the first episode of season 5 of SG-1, but we're going to watch the DVDs on his parents' BIG SCREEN TV (assuming they'll let us), which I can't wait for because Stargate on a big screen TV as big as his parents' big screen TV, will just be flippin' AWESOME!

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