“There's nothing to be gained by second-guessing yourself. You can't remake the past. So look ahead… or risk being left behind.”
-Vala Mal Duran

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Come What May, and Love It.

A beautiful Life is shown here today,
Full of trials, temptation, and pain.
A wonderful life is now on display,
Full of lightening and thunder and rain.

What makes life happy and joyful and good?
Not just the pain-free, cheerful times.
What makes life happy is misunderstood.
We need opposition in all it's rhymes.

The beauty of life would soon cease to be,
Without the bad things we seem to face.
We need all the sorrow so that we can see
With hard effort we'll win the race.

What helps us to learn to endure the pain?
What helps us to rise above it?
The answer is simple, we'll shout the refrain.
"Come What May, and Love it!"

This blog entry is dedicated to our recently passed on General Authority, Joseph B. Wirthlin. It was inspired by his last conference Talk, "Come What May, and Love It."

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