“There's nothing to be gained by second-guessing yourself. You can't remake the past. So look ahead… or risk being left behind.”
-Vala Mal Duran

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Attempting to recover

*This blog is dedicated to Dayne, a family friend who died recently of cancer*

Today I'm actually more sore than I was yesterday, but my dad and I took a walk and that helped quite a bit. I'm not allowed to drive until next Monday, so I either have to walk or get a ride with someone if I want to go anywhere. The funny thing is, I don't feel dizzy, nauseated, tired, or anything else like unto it. All I feel is slight pain in the belly button region and where they removed my mole. And I'm itching like mad. But that usually means that it's healing so I'll take it as a good sign. :)

Heather and I are going book shopping tomorrow at a small quaint little bookshop in Provo tomorrow, after I get paid. I'm looking forward to it. Apparently you can get fairly inexpensive books and you can find almost anything. I can't wait. I need a new book that I haven't read yet. They're getting harder and harder to find.

By the way Heather, thanks for the plant. I'm not entirely sure where I'll put it once I'm no longer in the guest bedroom, but I guess it will me that much more incentive to actually get my room clean. I still haven't cleaned it thoroughly since moving home three weeks ago. :0 Oh well. I'll get around to it.

It is now time for bed. Good night world!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your welcome. I hope you find a great place for your little plant. I hope you had a good time at the book store! It is one of my favorite places!!! Have a good day!